ISA Science City International school is an IB World School. We share a common philosophy - a commitment to improve the teaching and learning of a diverse and inclusive community of students by delivering challenging, high quality programmes of international education that share a powerful vision.The Early Years and Primary School uses the IB PYP as its framework, drawing on the strengths of different systems from around the world,combines the highly regarded IB advanced education system with the Chinese basic education curriculum, as well as a diverse co-curriculum to provide students with a rich array of learning opportunities, creating a holistic education system that aims to achieve balanced development.
广州科学城爱莎外籍人员子女学校是国际文凭世界学校,秉承着IB世界学校共同的理念,致力于通过提供具有挑战性和强大视野的高质量国际教育项目,提高兼具多元性和包容性的校园社区内的教学水平。其中,幼儿园与小学课程采用IB PYP(国际文凭幼小项目)作为框架,汲取世界各地不同体系的优势,同时与中国基础教育课程相结合,并融入强大的世界多语言教学和丰富多样的拓展课程,为幼儿园及小学的低龄学习者打造真正实现启蒙与均衡发展的全人教育体系。
ISA Science City
IB World School
The PYP Model 国际文凭幼小项目模型
* Swipe left to switch to the Chinese version
Early Years Curriculum
Inspired by the philosophy of world-renowned Reggio Emilia early childhood teaching, and strengthened by the IB Primary Years Programme standards and practices, the Science City ECLC provides both structured and unstructured learning elements to best suit learning at these special grade levels. Our focus on inquiry and self-guided learning is supported by highly qualified and experienced educators, who partner with parents in the educational development of each child.
Within the daily programme, all children are focus upon English and Chinese language development. Beyond communication, the journey in numeracy development begins within our programme. All year levels are engage with specialist teachers in Drama, Music and Visual Arts, as well as junior year Physical and Health Education experts. These specialist teachers deepen the motor-skill and creativity development within their specialist areas.
Throughout the day, our young learners work together and independently within the classroom and ECLC precinct. We utilise field-trips within the campus and throughout Guangzhou to provoke their thinking and early skill development.
What Does Learning Look Like in the Early Years?
“Play provides opportunities for children to learn as they discover, create, improvise and imagine.When children play with other children they create social groups, test out ideas, challenge eachother’s thinking and build new understandings. Play provides a supportive environment wherechildren can ask questions, solve problems and engage in critical thinking. Play can expand children’sthinking and enhance their desire to know and to learn. In these ways play can promote positivedispositions towards learning. Children’s immersion in their play illustrates how play enables them tosimply enjoy being.”
English Learning in Early Years
ISA Science City Early Years uses the Jolly Phonics as a tool to learn English.Jolly Phonics is a fun and child centred approach to teaching literacy. With actions for each of the 42letter sounds, the multi-sensory method is very motivating for children and teachers, who can seetheir students achieve.
丽声自然拼读是一种以趣味和儿童为中心的识字教学方法。通过学习42个字母和字母组合的发音,多感官教学法对孩子和老师来说都是非常有激励作用的,他们可以看到学生的进步。爱莎幼儿园采用“ 丽声自然拼读”作为学习英语的工具。
Mathematics in the Early Years
Mathematics experiences in Early Years settings is concentrate on幼儿园数学的教学重点在于:
Number (which includes whole number, operations, and relations)
* Representing, relating, and operating on whole numbers, initially with sets of objects整数的呈现、相互关系和运算。从一组一组的对象开始。
Geometry, Spatial Relations, and Measurement
* Describing shapes and space. More learning time in ISA Science City is devoted to numberthan to other topics描述形状和空间。在爱莎科学城,学习数字的时间比学习其他主题的时间要多。
Primary School Curriculum
In the Primary School, our learning programme is built around each child as a unique individual, with every student recognized for possessing their own abilities, experiences and interests. Crucial to their learning development is the utilization of the IB Primary Years Programme, a framework for our education which meets the highest of international education standards.
Key Strengths of the Science City Primary School
An international standard Primary School education
A curriculum framework that focus on transdisciplinary teaching, conceptual driven and inquiry based approach
A leading language school: English, Chinese, Mother-Tongue
A programme of study in and out of the classroom which encourages students to ask questions, develop answers, and be excited about the world around them
As an inquiry-based programme, the Primary School ensures that individual subject areas are strong and challenging, whilst binding each course together. By helping students make connections between each subject area, our programme is well-placed to help students apply their knowledge, skills and conceptual understanding in real-world situations.
Most specifically, every student in our Primary School undertakes a programme of study within the following subject areas:
Our curriculum is designed to challenge every student, regardless of their year level or individual ability. Beyond the written and planned curriculum, it is the excellent combination of experienced, committed teachers in each of the subject areas, who are focused on bringing to life in every classroom, the learning opportunities shaped in the planned curriculum.
English in thePrimary School
At ISA Science City, our English curriculum is based on the PYP English Scope and Sequence and Common Core State Standards. This includes speaking, listening, reading and writing. Success in English is fundamental to success across the curriculum.
The following are fundamental elements of literacy learning at ISA Science City.
Knowledge of the learner. This encompasses knowing about the pathway of progress for each child and about the patterns of progress for literacy learners in general at dierent points in their development. Learning programmes are dierentiated at ISA Science City, to enable every student to experience success.
Instructional strategies, the deliberate acts of teaching that focus learning, are taught in order to meet the learners needs
Mathematics in the Primary School
At ISA Science City, our Mathematics curriculum is based on both the PYP Mathematics Scope andSequence and Common Core State Standards. It is designed to achieve a balance among conceptdevelopment, knowledge, skills, and problem solving. The teaching of mathematics at is a combinationof direct instruction and inquiry.
In Grade 1 – Grade 5, instructional time is focused on the follow critical areas:
Building fluency with addition and subtraction
Developing understanding and fluency with multiplication and division
Developing understanding of fractions
Developing knowledge and understanding place value
Developing knowledge and understanding of geometry
Building fluency and understanding with proportions and ratios
Developing understanding of statistical thinking
Beyond the Classroom
In addition to academics, ISASC also places a strong emphasis on the development of students in the arts, sports, critical thinking and more personalised areas, providing a comprehensive, high quality Cocurricular Programme (CCA) and after-school & weekend programmes(provided by ISA International Academy) for students of all ages to pursue personalised options, as well as providing strong professional-level trainingsupport and competition-level coachingfor the arts, sports and academic school teams, leading students to participate in various competitions, nurturing their unique strengths while giving them the courage and strength to step onto more international stages.
Student Awards 校队部分荣誉一览
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ISA PAI Orchestra won the Gold Award in their category in2022 Vienna Summer Festival.
在“2022维也纳之夏艺术节”中,爱莎艺术团乐团荣获Other Ensembles,Teenagers组别金奖。
In2022 Online Young Thespian Festival, the ISA International Academy Musical Theatre Class won first prize.
In 2022 Guangdong Province International School Junior Golf Invitational Tournament, the ISA Golf Team came first, first and second in Women"s Group C, and first and third in Men"s Group B.
In November 2021, the school swimming team won 4 gold, 4 silver and 6 bronze medals in the GISES Guangzhou International School Swimming Competition.
1 Gold and 1 Bronze in the GISES Guangzhou International School Athletics Competition in November 2021.
ISASC choirs won the Third Prize in the activity "Embrace the Future - The 2nd Young Ambassadors for International People-to-People Exchange".
The school"s debating team came third nationally in the 2020 International Schools Debating Competition.
At present, the school offers around 80 Cocurricular courses (academic, language, arts, STEM, sports), which are open at the end of the formal school day (3:45pm-4:30pm).
In addition, the school operates in conjunction with ISA International Academy, the professional education service platform of ISA Education Group, to provide students with additional interest programmes on top of our after-school classes, covering sports, technology, Chinese studies, literacy and philanthropy. These programmes are held daily after school (5-6pm) and at weekends. Through close collaboration with the Academy, the school will provide more professional management and guidance to the school"s choir, orchestra, research team, Model United Nations and other integrated clubs,providing students with more opportunities to explore areas outside the classroom and helping them to achieve personalised and whole-person development.
* Sample of the after-school and weekend programme